Vibration Technology Technical Papers

Vibration Technology engineers have published SPE papers in the area of acoustic energy for stuck pipe retrieval as well as for cement enhancement. Please click on the following links to review an abstract of each paper and to purchase these papers directly from the Society of Petroleum Engineers:
  • "SPE 130342-MS, Stuck Coiled-Tubing Recovery Utilizing Surface Equipment and Methods"
    This paper briefly reviews the current techniques of extracting stuck coil tubing strings using downhole intervention, and presents a new process of surface intervention only, utilizing Surface Resonant Vibratory Energy:
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  • "SPE 14759-PA, Retrieving Stuck Liners, Tubing, Casing, and Drillpipe With Vibratory Resonant Techniques"
    This paper covers some of the original field work done as well as the theory of operation of acoustic energy for the purpose of extracting oil field tubulars. It includes a table of many case histories, especially for liner extraction:
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  • "SPE 109530-MS, The Extraction of Mud-Stuck Tubing Using Vibratory Resonant Techniques"
    This paper covers recent advancements in retrieving stuck pipe by focusing on mud stuck tubular examples in detail, as well as acoustic theory principals at work and a cost-benefit analysis of the virbrator resonant technique:
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  • "SPE 14199-PA, Primary Cementing Improvement by Casing Vibration During Cement Curing Time"
    This paper covers the use of resonant casing vibration techniques during the cement placement phase in order to prevent annular gas flow, enhance the compressive strength of the cement column, and to ensure complete cement coverage of the cement column via slumping of the cement sheath due to its shrinkage during curing.
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  • "SPE 13936-PA, The Rheological Properties of Cement Slurries: Effects of Vibration, Hydration Conditions, and Additives"
    This is a follow-on paper to SPE 14199 (above) that covers in detail the resulting rheological properties of a vibrated cement column.
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  • "SPE 109530-MS, Vibration of Oil Well Cement"
    This is a parallel paper to SPE 14199 (above) by the Norwegian Institute of Technology duplicating the positive results of casing vibration for cement enhancement.
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